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Balancing the life and work balance for healthy living

As a perfectionist, and a bit of a workaholic (probably a lot of a workaholic), the juggling act between the balancing of a healthy lifestyle, involving emotional, physical, and spiritual health is always a struggle. I read recently that the number one topic people blog about is health and fitness. Wow, I thought; I can become involved in several of my favorite things: Writing, writing about health, wellness, and fitness, and interacting with my clients, friends, and peers.

So let's talk about nutrition, diet and exercise, as a break from the norm of me talking about #propertymanagement, and the life of a #propertymanager. As a lifelong competitive bodybuilder, martial artist, and overall fitness lover, I can talk health and fitness with the best of them.

I travel often, commuting back and forth from #MyrtleBeach, to #NorthCarolina, and visa versa. As many of you are aware, traveling makes healthy eating, working out, and focusing on your health even more of a challenge. Also, if you are like me, you are behind a desk quite often, which presents yet another challenge. Regardless, I hear so many people, who have simply become comfortable with making excuses. My lifestyle is too busy, I do not have time to exercise, I do not have long enough on my lunch break to have a healthy lunch. Believe me, it is easy to fall into this self-deception, and I have been there many times in my life.

The key to proper nutrition and a healthy diet is the term "moderation". For example, carbohydrates get a bad rap from many, even among the fitness community. The truth is, carbohydrates, or any food we enjoy eating is perfectly all right, but in moderation. Melissa and I enjoy our cheat meal, each and every Saturday, where she generally prefers a pizza, and I prefer my beloved cheesesteak sub sandwich. That is an example of eating in moderation. Here, we are eating food, higher in fat and carbohydrates, but we do not consume such foods daily. No, the cheat meals are rewards for pretty much eating properly, and therefore, this moderation of consumption is perfectly ok, and perfectly healthy.

Now, if we consumed these types of foods on Saturday, again on Tuesday, and again on Thursday, we are now not eating those foods in moderation, as they are now making up our diet, on about 50% of each week. There are so many avenues I could take with this blog, but suffice it to say, that all of what I have discussed above, goes back to proper planning. As humans, we work best when we involve planning in all aspects of our lives, and follow a schedule, just as we do with our regularly scheduled cheat meals on Saturdays.

In closing, if you are not eating as healthy as you would like, need to drop a few pounds, need to exercise more, or simply need to begin exercising, I encourage you to begin with proper planning, and get yourself into a routine. Do not try to build Rome in one day. Begin planning your week on Saturday and Sunday, ensuring that you are scheduling the eating of healthy meals, along with allowing yourself a cheat meal here and there. The same is true with exercise, whether simply walking in the morning, on your lunch break, or in the evenings. Begin slowly, and work yourself up, with both your eating and exercise, and do not attempt to change your lifestyle completely overnight. I wish you all the best of luck and remember, if you are in need of the services of the finest property management company in the Carolinas, please reach out to me, and let's strike up a dialogue. All my best to you, and be blessed.

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